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Chapter 8 Questions

Chapter 8 Question

Q ZOOM Chapter 8 Questions Answer the following items and upload your responses to the appropriate drop box by the due date. 1. What are the differences between employee training and employee development. 2. How does the text define the term “Protean Career”? 3. What are the four approaches to employee development, and which is used most often? 4. What is the difference between coaching and mentoring relationships? In which situations are the different relationships appropriate? 5. Why is feedback important in the development process? 6. What is the “glass ceiling” and how is this relevant to employee development? 7. Why is firing a dysfunctional manager often the least attractive option in dealing with these individuals?

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1. In case of employee development, there are specific years/months/weeks/days of experience as well as specific skills acquired by employees. This type of development ensures that professional growth as well as career-growth can be achieved by employees. In case of employee training, there are specific skills acquired by employees. These skills ensure that there can be work done in the most productive manner by the trained employees.